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Covid-19 : 82 forms

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COVIPACT - Impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on patient management in the oncology-haematology setting, and on psychological repercussions among patients and caregivers

Head : FAVEYRIAL Audrey

Version 1


Last update : 04/30/2021

COVIPACT - Impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on patient management in the oncology-haematology setting, and on psychological repercussions among patients and caregivers

Head : FAVEYRIAL Audrey

Main objective

Evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adjustments to medical cancer treatment delivered in the outpatient setting to patients with cancer or haematological malignancies undergoing treatment.

Inclusion criteria

- Adult patient, treated for a solid tumour or haematological malignancy
- Receiving or needing to receive medical cancer treatment delivered in an outpatient oncology setting at participating sites: treatment initiated before or during the COVID-19 pandemy
- The patient does not object to taking part in the study
- Patient not deprived of their liberty or under supervision
- Female patient with no associated geographical, social or psychopathological condition liable to compromise the patient’s ability to take part in the study

LearninCov - Learning in pandemic times: Anxiety, cognitive capacities and decision-making of university students

Head : Timothée Demont, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Eva Raiber, Aix-Marseille School of Economics

Version 1


Last update : 01/15/2021

LearninCov - Learning in pandemic times: Anxiety, cognitive capacities and decision-making of university students

Head : Timothée Demont, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Eva Raiber, Aix-Marseille School of Economics

Main objective

This research project aims at better understanding the consequences of this major, sudden, and society-wide shock on university students who, by definition, are at the doorstep of their professional life and need substantial cognitive resources to make the most of their university training. We investigate the following question: Does the anxiety generated by the Covid-19 pandemic affect the learning and decision-making capacities of students and, if yes, by how much and through which channels? We specifically test the impact of the negative labor-market and social consequences of the Covid-19 crisis on students’ cognitive abilities, confidence and locus of control, expectations, risk preferences, and mental health.
In order to uncover mechanisms and allow sharper recommendations about student support policies, our study is designed to quantify the relative importance of worries regarding future labor-market opportunities and the impairment of social life and network, test the role of the competitive pressure, and perform a variety of heterogeneity analyses to identify particularly vulnerable groups such as female, low economic background and depression-prone students.

Inclusion criteria

The survey will include around 2,000 randomly-selected students from different faculties and at different stages of their studies at the Aix-Marseille University (AMU). The student body at the AMU is diverse with regard to gender composition and socio-economic background of the students. Accessing participants of different characteristics and from different fields and levels of study will allow us to uncover the underlying mechanisms.

COV-JEUNENFANT - Experience of families with young children (from birth to 6 years of age) during the first lockdown

Head : ZAOUCHE GAUDRON Chantal, Scientific interest group on infants, early childhood in context (BECO) - Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Federal University

Version 1


Last update : 05/05/2021

COV-JEUNENFANT - Experience of families with young children (from birth to 6 years of age) during the first lockdown

Head : ZAOUCHE GAUDRON Chantal, Scientific interest group on infants, early childhood in context (BECO) - Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Federal University

Main objective

Describe the experience of mothers, fathers and their young children before the end of the first lockdown, what they perceived as the best and worst moments during the health crisis, and shed light on the most widely used activities, possibly gender- and socially-based, and which emerge from household chores (home-schooling, care, upkeep) together with the associated emotions for each parent. The analyses are compared based on demographic and socioeconomic variables (gender, age, level of education, accommodation, employment, etc.).

Inclusion criteria

- Adult (age? 18 years)
- With at least one child under 6 years of age
- Residing in France
- Having spent the whole lockdown (17 March to 11 May 2020) in France

SERODRON - Evaluation of healthcare professional exposure to COVID-19

Head : PATOZ Pierre

Version 1


Last update : 05/06/2021

SERODRON - Evaluation of healthcare professional exposure to COVID-19

Head : PATOZ Pierre

Main objective

Determine the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among hospital staff

Inclusion criteria

- Personnel working in the healthcare institution
- Eligible for sampling
- Registered with or a beneficiary of a social security scheme

- Minor patient
- Refusal to take part
- Guardianship
- Curatorship

COCO_LATE - Clinical events occurring within 6 months of SARS-COV-2 infection: multicentre cohort

Head : ROBINEAU Olivier

Version 1


Last update : 05/06/2021

COCO_LATE - Clinical events occurring within 6 months of SARS-COV-2 infection: multicentre cohort

Head : ROBINEAU Olivier

Main objective

Describe, over time, the symptoms presented by patients reporting persistent symptoms (more than two months after onset) or onset of symptoms more than 3 weeks after the beginning of symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection evidenced by laboratory tests.

Inclusion criteria

1- History of symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection defined by:
A positive RT-PCR result for SARS-CoV-2 OR positive SARS-CoV-2 serology combined with at least one event:
- Anosmia occurring after February 2020
- OR CT scan consistent with COVID-19
- OR ? 2 symptoms coinciding with the virology sample, including: asthenia, cough, dyspnoea, fever, myalgia, dysgeusia, diarrhoea AND not present prior to diagnosis
2- AND persistence of at least one symptom present in the first 3 weeks of COVID-19, more than 8 weeks after the first COVID symptoms
OR late onset of at least one new symptom at least 3 weeks and not more than 6 months after the first symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection
3- First symptoms within the past 6 months on the date of inclusion
4- Beneficiary of a health insurance scheme or the state welfare scheme
5- Having signed an informed consent form at inclusion

COVID-IMPACT - Prevalence and Development of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms Among AP-HP Staff During the Covid-19 Epidemic

Head : PELISSOLO Antoine , Psychiatry

Version 1


Last update : 01/29/2021

COVID-IMPACT - Prevalence and Development of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms Among AP-HP Staff During the Covid-19 Epidemic

Head : PELISSOLO Antoine , Psychiatry

Main objective

The epidemic of coronavirus induces a major influx of patients implying a rapid modification of the organizations, a work overload and a significant stress for the care teams and supports of the hospitals of the Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) . To this is added the impact on each professional of the large number of very severe patients to be treated, of death and the anxiety of contamination, reinforced by the actual cases of staff themselves sick. Emergency phone numbers for professionals in the event of psychological suffering were quickly put in place at the AP-HP and Hospitals level. The objective of this study is to assess the psychopathological and psycho-traumatic consequences of this exceptional situation on the staff, during the epidemic and at a distance from it, in order to be able to target the solutions to be implemented. Hypothesis is that some personnel may develop one or more of the following disorders: adjustment disorder or other anxiety disorder, acute stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depressive episodes as defined in the DSM-5. This study also aimes to assess effect of support measures put in place, by comparing the evolution of those who benefited from those who did not use them, as well as the risk factors specific. The results will make it possible to have an estimate of the percentage of people who may require specific support, and to identify the staff most at risk, and thus predict the importance of the circuits and structures for support of staff which will be necessary in the short and long term. The main anticipated risk factors are: being a nurse, having a low number of years of professional experience, and being on the front line of care for affected patients.

Inclusion criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

AP-HP professionals on duty during the COVID epidemic agreeing to participate in the three stages of the study.

Exclusion Criteria:


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